What is the Role of IT Support Services in Cybersecurity?

Ronan Short
September 5, 2024

Cybersecurity is more important than ever. With the rise of cyber threats like ransomware, phishing attacks, and data breaches, businesses must take extra steps to protect their valuable information. This is where IT support services play a key role in the process. 

While most companies focus on securing their networks and data, IT support teams also help maintain strong cybersecurity measures. 

For example, they protect customer information and prevent cyberattacks. As a result, IT support services ensure that businesses can operate safely and smoothly. 

In this blog, we will explore how IT support services contribute to cybersecurity and why it’s crucial to add them into your overall security strategy.

Key Areas Targeted by Cyber Attacks

Gartner predicts that by 2025, 45% of organisations will face a software supply chain attack, a significant increase compared to 2021. This doesn't even include other emerging threats like sophisticated phishing schemes, ransomware, or attacks targeting specific industries from nation-states.

The need for reliable cybersecurity has never been more crucial.

Most businesses understand which parts of their operations need the most protection. The primary targets for cyberattacks within an organisation include:

  • Network and infrastructure: The backbone of digital operations, essential for keeping systems connected and running smoothly.
  • Customer and corporate data: Valuable assets that require stringent protection to avoid breaches and theft.
  • End-point devices: Devices like laptops and mobile phones that serve as entry points for attackers.

While strong IT security is essential to protect these areas, it’s equally important to ensure cybersecurity is integrated into every part of the business, including auxiliary services like IT support.

The Role of IT Support Services in Cybersecurity

There are six critical roles that IT support services play in maintaining and enhancing cybersecurity within an organisation. Let’s list down each of these roles:

1. Protect Confidential Information

IT support teams regularly handle sensitive information such as customer personal data, financial records, and even internal corporate data. Ensuring that this data is kept confidential is a top priority.

To protect this valuable information, IT support can implement security measures like user access controls, data encryption, and patch management. These tools help ensure that data is protected, whether it's being stored or accessed.

Without these, the data could be exposed to theft, breaches, or unauthorised access.

2. Reduce Cyber Threats

In smaller or mid-sized organisations, IT support teams often act as both tech help desks and cybersecurity engineers. This dual role means they need to be proficient in identifying potential cyber risks, responding to threats, and applying cybersecurity policies.

IT support must also manage security alerts from threat detection systems, helping the business respond effectively to any issues. Additionally, they ensure that software is regularly updated and patched to prevent quality that hackers could use.

Staying on top of these updates is key to keeping a network secure from new and evolving cyber threats.

3. Ensure Business Continuity

A cyberattack can severely disrupt business operations, leading to downtimes, data loss, and financial damage. IT support services play a crucial role in preventing and managing these disruptions.

By implementing proactive measures like regular data backups and establishing disaster recovery plans, IT support can minimise the impact of a breach. They also ensure system redundancies so that in the event of an attack, business operations can continue with minimal disruption.

These steps are essential to maintaining business continuity in the face of a cybersecurity incident.

4. Enhance Customer Trust

Customers today are willing to share personal information, but they expect businesses to handle it securely and ethically. Trust is a major factor in customer loyalty, and IT support teams contribute to building and maintaining this trust by protecting customer data.

By following strict security protocols and sticking to data privacy regulations, IT support ensures that customers’ personal information is kept confidential. A company that demonstrates strong data security will not only comply with legal standards but also create long-term customer trust.

5. Help Achieve Regulatory Compliance

Nearly every business is subject to specific data protection regulations. These laws, such as GDPR, PCI DSS, and HIPAA, require organisations to implement strict security controls to protect personal and sensitive information.

IT support teams play a crucial role in helping businesses meet these regulatory standards by ensuring that the necessary security measures are in place. They must be well-versed in the applicable regulations and work continuously to keep the organisation compliant.

Failure to comply can result in penalties and legal consequences, making this an important responsibility for IT support.

6. Support Employee Awareness and Training

A significant portion of cybersecurity breaches result from human error, such as falling for phishing schemes or using weak passwords. IT support teams are key players in educating employees about cybersecurity best practices.

By conducting regular awareness campaigns and training sessions, IT support can help staff recognise potential cyber threats and adopt better security habits. This includes educating employees about phishing, safe internet browsing, password management, and general cybersecurity awareness.

Building a security-conscious culture among employees is essential in reducing risks posed by human error.

In summary, 

IT support services are key to keeping your business safe from cyber threats. They protect sensitive information, help prevent attacks, ensure smooth operations, and make sure your business follows important security rules. IT support also builds customer trust and trains employees on how to avoid security risks. 

However, if you want to improve your company’s cybersecurity, having a strong IT support team is a must. IT Support 4U can help you protect your business with our reliable services. Get in touch today to find out how we can protect your company from cyber risks.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How does IT support contribute to cybersecurity?

IT support ensures cybersecurity by implementing data protection measures, monitoring threats, managing security updates, and responding to cyber incidents quickly.

What cybersecurity tools do IT support services use?

Common tools include antivirus software, firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and multi-factor authentication to secure networks.

How do IT support services handle phishing attacks?

They help detect phishing attempts, block unwanted emails, and train employees to recognise and avoid these common attacks.

How does IT support help with data protection?

IT support services safeguard data by using encryption, access controls, and regular system backups, ensuring that sensitive information is secure from breaches and unauthorised access.

Can IT support improve employee cybersecurity awareness?

Yes, IT support plays a key role in training employees about best practices, such as recognising phishing attempts, using strong passwords, and following security protocols.

How does IT support ensure regulatory compliance in cybersecurity?

IT support helps businesses comply with cybersecurity regulations by implementing necessary security measures, conducting audits, and ensuring that the company meets industry-specific data protection laws.

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*FYI, parts of this blog post were drafted by artificial technlogy. But rest assured, it's been thoroughly researched, edited, reviewed and me & my team.
Ronan Short
Founder @ IT Support 4U

Ronan Short, the founder of IT Support, is a trusted authority in the IT industry, passionate about providing top-tier tech support at IT Support. Dedicated to solving complex problems with simplified solutions, catering to all your SME IT needs with cost-effective solutions.